Searching for and Finding Communion with Your Horse
Dominique Barbier and Keron Psillas
This beautiful tribute offers suggestions for establishing a bond with horses that transcends “animal” and “master”. Along with gorgeous photographs and uplifting poetry, Dominique Barbier’s extraordinary ability to communicate with and improve the lives of horses and riders is revealed through a training philosophy steeped in gentleness and compassion.
“This is a quick read that is very thought provoking and one of the most beautiful books I’ve ever read. The equestrian imagery alone is divine. This is certainly one you will read over and over again even if you have nothing to do with horses, very spiritual and up lifting.” –D. Cates
“French-born classical master Dominique Barbier and photographer Keron Psillas bring us poetry and flowers and flowing manes and Iberian horses in stunning seascapes. Musings on the nature of horses and horsemanship. Even a training tidbit here and there.” –USDF Connection (July 2012)
Hardcover, 72 pages
37 color and b/w photos
ISBN: 9781570764974